About Us
We do our utmost to guarantee the quality
and safety of our products.
AMAGGI Switzerland is part of a company with headquarters in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Our office in Lausanne was founded in November 2012 by a team with many years of experience in trade and execution in the agricultural commodities market.
Being part of a company of over 40 years of activities made us progress in a sustainable manner in each stage of the agribusiness production chain, identifying opportunities and incorporating challenges that promote not only the growth of the company but the development of the entire local and global food market.
We do our utmost to guarantee the quality and safety of our products, being proud to dedicate our time and efforts to execute all our commitments with quality, integrity, and high respect towards the sustainability of our business.

Sea Cargo Charter
As part of its ESG strategy, AMAGGI Switzerland is a signatory of the Sea Cargo Charter, an initiative to align ship charter activities with environmental aspects related to greenhouse gas emissions. By providing a parameterized methodology for measuring the climate footprint of charter activities, the Sea Cargo Charter allows signatories to track their progress towards global climate goals, making more sustainable decisions.
“Being a signatory to the Sea Cargo Charter is a natural step, in line with the Company’s efforts to decarbonize its activities and to reach net-zero emissions (net zero) from owned operations by 2050. We are pleased to allocate resources to reducing greenhouse gases from our maritime flows, promoting the use of new technologies, as well as engaging in further fuel and fleet optimization”, explains Alex Haubert, maritime freight manager at AMAGGI Switzerland.